Daniel Tay Yan MengLogistics Management Ngee Ann Polytechnic In Wuhan, China - 1st Sept to 12th October 2009 Messages
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
Daily Rewind
Day 11 - 历史课 | 飞天超人Our first IS lesson today about... Day 10 - 喘不过气!2pm lessons so we decided to have lu... Day 9 - 易君生日快乐!Wonder who's Yijun? It's Rebecca, t... Day 8 - 堆积如山的功课We had the privilege to sleep in la... Day 7 - 劳心劳力Woke up rise and shine to attend lesso... Day 5 & 6 - 美丽的绿林We are going on a special trip to... Day 4 - 全新体验9.56pm - Woke up and discovered that w... Day 3 - 放眼看武汉Slept late last night so was dawdling... Day 2 - 寻幽探秘Bought our China sim card today. Rest... Day 1 - 武汉之旅的开始Had a little nap at 3am till 4.30am... Credits
Designer: VianzxReferences: dA doughnutcrazy GuyWithNoName |
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Day 12 - 城市之旅 Today is our first city tour! Gathering time was at 7.15am so we woke up very early and all of us were very tired since we slept late last night. Our first destination today: 东湖. It's a lake that is famous in Wuhan for its beautiful scenery and 7 times larger than its sister lake, 西湖 in Hangzhou. The scenery here is really one of a kind, rated as AAAA in China. It really deserve the rating as you cannot find this in Singapore and it's a whole new experience for us. Let's set off! We've reached our destination! Junru and myself The cobbled path When you admire flowers, flowers will admire you back! Sense of serenity Reminds me of.. Counter Strike! Every tile is history, every plant is love After the 东湖 tour, we went on to 湖北省博物馆 to understand and view the ancient relics of China history. We were introduced to 3 items by the tour guide on the bus but I had forgotten what they are. This is what happens when you are sleepy and listening to the tour guide speak! I was quite excited to visit the museum at first but as I walked on the displays all look similar to me so I got more and more tired of it. Taking photos were a chore too as there are reflections on the glass panels. Some displays in the museum The second gallery we went Two very nice vases Pure gold display! Fountain outside the museum After the museum visit, most of us were already very tired. There was a traffic congestion on the way so we managed to catch some sleep. Surprisingly, a force woke me up and when I opened my eyes, I see our next destination, the Yellow Crane Tower. It has a very special architecture. According to what the tour guide said, it was first built by Sun Quan in AD223 and was destroyed and rebuilt 12 times until it is now today. Before touring, the most important thing is to have our lunch! There's a food street just nearby the tower so we grabbed our lunch. Like in school, we have to purchase a card to use as they do not accept cash payments. Had my favourite 热干面 and some other dishes. Have a look! The food street nearby The card to be used to purchase food 热干面! Barbequed octopus! 汤包 Duck liver 沙冰 This is how they twist their straws! Making our way to the tower The tower from the bottom Lu Dong Bin, an ancient character riding on a yellow crane Adrian, me, Erwin Shun Qing and me Eshlyn and me Alvin and me View from the tower Logistics Management students! Origins of the Yellow Crane Tower There was a woman who had a restaurant and a poor man came to her restaurant every day for wine. After drinking the wine for a year, he said to the woman one day that it's time for him to go. Since he has nothing to give her, he picked up an orange peel and drew a crane on the wall. After drawing, he immediately disappeared. However, he told her that the crane would jump out of the wall and dance if she claps her hands. Although she did not believe it, she tried it and the crane really jumped out and danced. This made roaring business for the restaurant. 10 years later, the man came back and said that it's time for him to take the crane back as it has made enough money to repay his wine bills. Therefore, he flew away on the crane. It was later found out that he is actually one of the 八仙过海 characters, 吕洞宾. Reflection Today was a practical class for China's history. Since China is a country with rich history, there are lots of historical sites in the country such as the Yellow Crane Tower we went today. It was an eye opener for me today to see ancient artefacts being displayed and visit an ancient building, although it is not the original one. We should preserve what we have now as we might not know that it will become an important historical monument 1000 years from now. 8:54 PM |