Daniel Tay Yan MengLogistics Management Ngee Ann Polytechnic In Wuhan, China - 1st Sept to 12th October 2009 Messages
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
Daily Rewind
Day 9 - 易君生日快乐!Wonder who's Yijun? It's Rebecca, t... Day 8 - 堆积如山的功课We had the privilege to sleep in la... Day 7 - 劳心劳力Woke up rise and shine to attend lesso... Day 5 & 6 - 美丽的绿林We are going on a special trip to... Day 4 - 全新体验9.56pm - Woke up and discovered that w... Day 3 - 放眼看武汉Slept late last night so was dawdling... Day 2 - 寻幽探秘Bought our China sim card today. Rest... Day 1 - 武汉之旅的开始Had a little nap at 3am till 4.30am... 9 hoursThe excitement is really there, but there a... Two more days!Just 2 more days till I get to savou... Credits
Designer: VianzxReferences: dA doughnutcrazy GuyWithNoName |
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Day 10 - 喘不过气! 2pm lessons so we decided to have lunch outside school. Again, we went to 吉祥馄饨. Had the beef dumplings which were simply great. Juicy on the inside, tender on the outside. Beef dumpling Right after lunch, we went for lessons again. Today's lesson is a short one but started late. Half an hour lecture followed by half an hour quiz and then FlexSim. Feeling very sleepy because of lack of sleep, I was daydreaming most of the time. Quiz time! An exciting thing to look for. Nian Yue, our friend from NP is coming to Wuhan to look for us, from Beijing! We swiftly walked to the gate to meet him. However, on our way we saw the students doing the military drill which is a pre-requisite for all freshmen. This is going to be a tough task! Military drills Group photo! Dinner was at KFC. After so long, I finally managed to have my 嫩牛五方! It just keeps getting out of stock! Fries The packaging of my meal This is how it looks like! It's shaped something like a pentagon, so I guess this is how it got its name? Interior of my meal 11:54 PM |